Our Impact

Tires Removed
Hazards Removed
Miles Cleared
People Impacted

How We Impact

Did you know there are over 100,000 miles of floatable waterways in the United States? Have you ever wondered who is responsible for their safety to the public, usage, or environmental impact? It’s been a complicated answer- until NOW.
Through River Rangers International, there is now a way to communicate river hazards and repair damaged areas of our waterways. 
As a Social Enterprise, 501 (c) 3 Organization- River Rangers communicate with the government  and other regulatory agencies responsible for waterways and makes a plan for remediation. Then We Get to Work! 
Get Involved
As a nonprofit, River Rangers mission is Keeping Waterways Safe and Clean, which is enriching quality of life for communities across the country.
Each project takes high level strategy, labor hours in the field, & highly specific tools & materials to bring a project to completion. 
This is where your help is needed. Click Here to Learn More.